1/35 Universal Military Pod with M8A1 US Landing Mat - Maquettes véhicules militaires au 1/35
1/35 Universal Military Pod with M8A1 US Landing Mat

1/35 Universal Military Pod with M8A1 US Landing Mat

  • Etat du stock:Disponible en 2-4 semaines
  • Code produit:ICM53201
  • Marque:ICM
CHF 32.90


ICM - 1/35 Universal Military Pod and M8A1 landing mat The heavy-lift helicopter CH-54 Tarhe, created in 1962, was designed for transporting large military cargo. To enhance its transport capabilities, a special container was developed, which functioned as a transport capsule, allowing the transport of infantry, the wounded, or equipment. The containers were equipped with windows, doors, and a ramp at the rear, enabling the loading of military equipment, such as guns or light all-terrain vehicles. They could also be used for parachute deployment of soldiers. On the ground, if necessary, these universal containers could be towed on a trailer by military vehicles. A total of 22 containers were built, each with its own unique military registration number.