Lockheed F-104 Starfighter - Avions Livres
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter

Lockheed F-104 Starfighter

  • Etat du stock:Disponible en 2-4 semaines
  • Code produit:HMHDH025
  • Marque:HMH-Publications
CHF 40.90


HMH-Publications - Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
In 180 pages, a complete portrait of the legendary F-104 Starfighter is brought in over 450 photos, picturing the aircraft both in action and in detail. Versions include the early subtypes but mainly the D/F/G/J/S and S ASA-M as well as the two-seat trainer CF-104D and TF-104G. Every detail of the aircraft is included and differences between the types are pointed out. For this book, currently flying aircraft of Starfighter Aerospace in Florida have been photographed as well. Aircraft from these countries are included: USA, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Japan, Italy, Denmark, Turkey, Greece, ... This book also contains an impressive maintenance chapter, ideal for the scale modeller. Many interesting details, often overlooked, are included. With some of the benefits of this book, Hmh Publications will financially support the further restoration of an F-104G at Volkel Air Base in The Netherlands.