Willys Overland - Véhicules Militaires Livres
Willys Overland

Willys Overland

  • Etat du stock:Disponible en 2-4 semaines
  • Code produit:AK130002
  • Marque:AK Interactive
CHF 28.10


AK Interactive - Willys Overland (CANADIAN)

English. 148 pages. Semi-hard cover. 225 x 240 mm.

This photo manual with numerous colour photos and historical photographs, is conceived as a quick reference for modelers and restorers and those individuals interested in the more uncommon aspects of the Willys-Overland vehicle model W-LU 440-M-PERS-1, more commonly identified as the Willys Mb (model version B) 1/4-ton 4X4 light utility.