1/72 Gruman F4F Wildcat decals

1/72 Gruman F4F Wildcat decals

  • Stato dello stock:Disponibile in 2-4 settimane
  • Modello:PSL384
  • Marca:Print Scale
CHF 16.00


Print Scale - 1/72 Gruman F4F Wildcat
1. F4F-4 Unit: VGF-29, US Navy Serial: 29-GF-10. CVE-29 Uss Santee for Operation Torch in November 1942.
2. FM-2, white 16, VC-79, Lt. Francis P. McElroy, Uss Sargent Bay, May 1945.
3. F4F-4. Unit: VF-3, US Navy. Serial: 23 (BuNo.5093) Lt.Cdr John S.Thach, Commander of VF-3. flew this F4F-4 from CV-5
USS Yorktown during the Battle of Midway, 4-6 June 1942. VF-3's 'Felix the Cat' insignia is painted under the windshield.
4. F4F-3. Unit: VF-6, US Navy. Serial: 13 (BuNo.5193) VF-6 aboard CV-6 Uss Enterprise had a tombstone painted on the vertical stabilizers of their F4F-3s. The 41 'meatballs' on the tombstone represented Japanese aircraft downed by the Squadron. Machinist Mate Donald E. Runyon flew aircraft 13 (BuNo 5193) during the Guadalcanal campaign in August of 1942. He scored eight 'kills' with this Wildcat.
5. FM-1. Unit: VC-12, US Navy. Serial: 3. CVE-13 Uss Core.
6. F4F-3. Unit: VMF-222, USMC. Serial: 2. Pilot Major Marion E.Carl. Guadalcanal, September 1942. Sixteen victory markings on left side only. Camouflage: upper surfaces Blue-Gray, lower Light Gray.
7. F4F-3P. Unit: VMO-251, USMC. Serial: 251-MO-5 Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides in late 1942.
8. F4F-4. Unit: VF-41, US Navy. Serial: 41-F-8 CV-4 Uss Ranger, Spring of 1942.