1/35 US C-RAM with Hemtt A3

1/35 US C-RAM with Hemtt A3

  • Stato dello stock:Disponibile in 2-4 settimane
  • Modello:ILK63526
  • Marca:I Love Kit
CHF 123.00


I LOVE KIT - 1/35 US C-RAM with Hemtt A3
US Army Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) 'Centurion' land-based Phalanx rapid-fire, computer-controlled radar and 20mm gun counter-insurgent system which automatically intercepts rockets, artillery and mortar rounds in the air before impact. C-RAM has defended the Green Zone US base in Baghdad Iraq against more than 100 hostile incoming rockets and mortar shells since 2006. The Oshkosh Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) transporter type A3 is the diesel-electric hybrid version.
16 sprues, cab & tyres, photo-etch parts. L: 304.8mm, W: 97mm, Total parts 520+