Colle21 The Cyanoacrylate that does not dry in the container - Consumables
Colle21  The Cyanoacrylate that does not dry in the container

Colle21 The Cyanoacrylate that does not dry in the container

  • Stock status:In stock
  • Product code:gdkc21
  • Brand:GDKits
CHF 7.20


Colle21 - Cyanoacrylate adhesive which does not dry in recipient - 21g A revolutionary formula allowing you to use the contents of the recipient up to the last drop because it does not dry in the recipient if used correctly. The cyano glues tend to dry after first opening the recipient, they are unusable few weeks after opening because they dry in the recipient. This adhesive allows you to successively open and close without the content to dry, since that the lid closes well after each use, so you can use this glue up to the last drop.